Wedded Bliss
Colour Pencil on A3 Mi – tenties TEX pastel paper
The couple in this painting are my parents on their wedding day a little over 21 years ago. I did this in just one afternoon, with just minor tweaking the next morning.
Big Plans
Pastel on 580 x 410 mm Colourfix suede
Portrait of my late Grandfather. He was always inventing and finding ways to do things on the property my mother grew up on. They then moved, and he did the same on the property where he spent his last moments. It has been nine years now since both my grandfathers went to be with Jesus.
Okay, so you want to make an interesting or unusual piece for your wall? All you need is a primed canvas of any size, some bits and pieces you have lying around and some imagination!
It has been a while since I posted here.
I no longer have any of the chickens I have preveously posted about. However, I now have a gorgeous flock of silkies. I also have a blue pekin hen. I have had a bit of trouble with them, as Dad had to put one rooster down. Another rooster and a pekin hen keeled over and died with out much warning. I have lost another hen recently as well, but that was not so unexpected. Although, I would have thought her companion to be the one to leave us, as I have been worried about various things with her for a while. But no. Little One, as I have named her, is as spritly as ever! Another hen turned out to be a rooster! Paid $25 for him too. I have been hoping to get some showgirls soon, but the silkies will have to do for now. I have been given two good quality silkie roosters recently as well. One is a Red, and the other is a Silver/White (Hence their names, Red and Silverstone). I hopefully will be able to get some hens for Red in particular, as they are hard to find.
My painting ‘Insight Eyewear Laidley’ got a Highly Commended Award at this year’s Laidley Show. I entered it into the ‘Local Scene’ class in the fine art section.
My boss bought it the wenesday after the show. It is the first painting I’ve ever sold!